Sunday, May 15, 2011

Still chubby

Getting back to getting down to my porn weight. I been a bit lax at writing what's been going on. I have been letting myself lapse on watching what I eat but most importantly how much I eat. I've start my day by going to Starbucks to get my first cup of the day with banana, which is good. If I'm still hungry I get cheesy bagel/cream cheese. It's a good start of the day. My down fall has been my dinner or last meal of the day. Where I been letting my eyes get the best of me. When that happens I tend to eat more than I really want or eat beyond comfort, stuffing myself. I check myself on the scale most every day to keep myself in check. As of yet I haven't gone off the deep end. I have been keeping the weight off as of yet of that I have lost already. Now its getting my body back to dropping weight again. Still not doing any fade diets that cause you to drop weight by doing things that aren't found in everyday world. As for me I'm trying to do it in the everyday world. I'm cutting back what I eat watching what I eat and living in the real world doing my best to keep away from all the fades that one hears about or reads. I will say this I'm going to check out weight watchers to see how much they have change. I did watchers a long time ago and as like most they had you doing things that doesn't apply to what you run into the real world. I mean who carries a scale with them to weight everything, or trying to order off a menu. It feels good to fit into a smaller size pair of pants or tighten the belt that other notch. Well I'm calling it a night for now and I'll write more soon on what I have been doing to get back to my porn weight. I really want to have women checking me out again. 

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