Saturday, May 21, 2011

Proud Daddy!

It fucking figures! I ask God for three things... not in a pray like most of those who can't stop preaching or thumping the Bible... or profess to be born again (Lucy you've got a lot of explaining to do-I would think the term should be found again-like, I missed placed it but now I found it again but not born-ouch)... here's the deal I ask God to grant-give-lead-bring-open-you get the idea, most of the time this type of begging or promise usually follows having your head in the toilet give homage to the porcelain throne... you say something like, "Oh God if you get me out of this... or make it go away... or make me feel better... I'll never do it again, I promise"... I call this the 'Drunken Promise' (come on I know more than a few of us have been there done that)... you get the drift... well it happened God did it... so far, one out of three ain't bad but who's fucking idea was it that this piece of shit world is going to end tomorrow or if you're reading this Saturday it would be today... who says God doesn't have a sense of humor... could I be so lucky that he/she gives me the other two things I've been asking for before 6:00pm (shit I hope its in the pm-I'm gonna need my cup of java)... "come on God if you do this I won't do that... I promise, swear to God"!... (D'OH)... now you're asking yourself what is it that he/she did?... simple... my son got his directing/production deal!... come on God what about me.... pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease... you can go now I'm just going to keep begging here for a bit.... Yup proud Daddy!.. hey God before you pull the fucking plug on this mud ball could you do me one more favor... pleaseplease... I promise I'll be---- 

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