Friday, February 25, 2011

Brain Craving Food

Things that go in the night, like bump or smack or the rumbling of an Old Fat Guy getting down to porn weight. The day went well even though I didn't sleep but write the night away. I was still up at the butt crack of dawn that's when the brain let me know that it was wanting food. A little back story on what I ended up going to get. Since most of the time I'm asleep in what most people call morning hours I don't give into brain cravings. Ah you say what the fuck is that? Well its one thing to crave something that you know will taste good but most of all it will fill an emptiness in your stomach. When it's the brain, you tend to eat things that make you feel a certain way; you make concoction. For me my mind came up with a 'breakfast burrito' not that gringo breakfast burrito but a real Mexican/American breakfast burrito. what's in it: machaca (egg & shredded beef), but I added a twist to it. My brain craved for machaca with chorizo add in some cheese & guacamole. Reads kind of what the fuck are you thinking or 'are you pregnut'? But it does taste good. After I feed my brain it was crash time. By the time I got up it was the 'cleavage of night'. Still feeling full from breakfast burrito I headed out to local Starbucks to get that 'first cup of the day' with a banana I don't remember eating. I took it on the fly. Back at the flop house I enjoyed my cup of java while watching some TV, did a bit of writing not on script but twitter and facebook, yeah that'll get the script done. Then it hit again, the brain crave. This time it was for of all things 'Jack In The Box', like a junky jonesing for cheap 'crack', or  a college student wondering how to get eats without going broke. My brain was wanting double bacon cheese burger but on sour dough. I heard myself ordering two of them. Like most junkies when I got my score I didn't check the junk. What I got was double bacon cheese burger but no sour dough. Say the lease my brain was not very pleased but ate it any how. Feeling disappointment and not very satisfied the two rocks that I ate made me sleep plus the lack of sleep within the 24 hours. I did what any good food junky would do, fall asleep. As for this pin up well I wish they still had car hops. I know this was have kept A&W Root beer going if their carhops look like this.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Abuelita style cooking or this is how my grandmother made it!

Getting right into it, last night I was wanting some home style cooking of real Mexican food. Not fast food 'Taco Bell' shit (no true Mexican/American can call TB real food, the taco meat is classified as a meat by-product. better known as mystery meat). I talking Mexican food made with stuff that my grandmother or better know as abuelita would have used. I was wanting SOPA DE FIDEO, a real Mexican dish made differently depending on what part of Mexico your family comes from. Me or my Abuelita would make it in a skillet, you brown the 'angel hair noodles better known as FIDEO, pinch or touch of garlic, she would use recycled bacon grease, (I'm not joking), when browned you add stewed tomatoes, juice and all and about 3/4 of the can of water toss in some sliced onion, dash of salt (for taste) pepper, then you let it simmer under a lid, either until you have a well bended soup (sopa) or until the moisture is gone. No do not stir. Only stir once or so when its mostly fluid, If you let it steam out don't stir. Low heat. This is great stuff- to me better than Mexican rice (white man's term) Mexican call for arroz or sopa de arroz. The other item I had was nachos con charizo. The place I got this home style cooking is a local place here in Covina called 'Casa Moreno'. Oh the margaritas rock. 
For today after sleeping in really late I got up and pushed myself out the door to the local Starbucks for that 'first cup of the day', banana, and cheesy bagel/ cream cheese. Feel full night now but I'm so turned around I'll probably get hungry around mid-night. Got to turn myself around. So for this post I'm using the vintage pin up of a Matador, I wouldn't mind being the toro for a hot MILF. Toro toro!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wonder if President Washington crave french fries?

President's day! Bah! Anyone who went to grade school knows it Washington's Birthday... you know, the one they 'tag' (get the twitter/facebook term) father of our country or the first president! What the fuck is going on here? Why do we have to consolidate our holidays? Pretty soon it's going to be Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas all rolled into one. Why are we so willing to give up Holidays (better know as days off from work most of the time with pay if you're smart enough to have a union job). Why are we willing to work for less money, more time, less vacation & holiday time off and lead to believe we are the bad guys for wanting to be treated equally or with respect.
Now on to Old Fat Guy getting down to porn weight: Yesterday was about the same as any other day, Starbucks for that 'first cup of the day' banana they where out of cheese bagels. Come back home to do more writing on script I'm working on. Then got the craving for something salty... which can be more damning than craving sweets. I was giving into getting french fries-I mean the large more than you can or should eat deep fried potato. I was going over the topping, like chile cheese or animal style (anyone who's been to In-n-Out knows what that is-its melted cheese with grilled onion & thousand island) or bacon bits & cheese with sour cream (Island's grill style) I better stop there before I run out the door to get some. I settled for nachos the second most dangerous deep fried thing to get, yeah real corn tortillas replacing potatoes. I over did it having the nachos with cheese, sour cream, carda asada, guacamole. Eat till I was over stuffed. I mean uncomfortably stuffed, not hungry the next day stuffed. Today I lounged around then headed to local Starbucks for a 'cup of java' & cheesy bagel/cream cheese which made me feel stuffed again. Must fight salty craving and win next time, maybe next time a salty bag of popcorn--- and a MOVIE.
I think I might have used this vintage pin up before, but it fits Washington's birthday!