This tale is about being put under a hex without knowing it! Let me start somewhere in the middle (what is wrong with starting in the middle?)... I was in control of my mine, at lease I thought I was... I mean when I woke up I know what I was going to do the moment I got out of bed... I wanted to go back to bed... I was scheduled to work on a very very low low budget commercial, a step up would have been working on a porn (the porn would have been better at lease I could seen naked people fucking rather than being fucked with my clothes on by production)... good thing I had my 'first cup of the day' on the commute to work in traffic, nope on the banana or cheesy bagel/cream cheese... as they say moving on... work was all right... got our ass kicked from the 'get go'(four guys doing work of eight)... the guys on the crew made the day tolerable... making fun of eachother, joking around... the downside no hot MILFs to look at and the heat... now here is where it ties into Voodoo Witch Barista... after getting my ass semi kick and baked it was the long drive home (not the distance but the traffic)... I was wanting an ice cold something bad... my brain was in need of cooling down from being out in the heat all day... as usual I thought of the local Coffee-Cave (Starbucks)... you could say that I had a one track mind (nope that wasn't the track my mine was on-not that, "that" track wasn't fighting to be in control)... I landed at the local Coffee-Cave to discover that Voodoo Witch Barista was at the cauldron... her two minions (two new characters. these are 'guy' baristas-the first guy I'll Call him) Guy Gal Pal Barista was at the register marking the cups of what the potions would contain... the other minion (I'll call him) Got A Light Barista... he would be the floater... getting things lined up for Voodoo Witch Barista to work her potions and hex at her cauldron... the moment I enter the Coffee-Cave I was doomed... I left my brian in the car for some reason... I walk right into her trap!!!... I greeted Voodoo Witch Barista in a custom of one slipping into her hex with banter... in the void where my brian was supposed to be I remember stating I wanted something ice cold to cool down with like a simple ice tea... I thought I could do an end around her keeping her away from hex cauldron... also keeping her away from her hex potions... keeping her away from her demon hexes... I told Guy Gal Pal Barista to make a simple Ice Tea (knowing that the tea leafs are from some Voodoo plant that takes over your mind-but you see I had left my mine in the car)... I figured if I called out the concoction her hex would be limited... "tea with lots of ice, no water from the mystical underground river from sorted pipes, three raw sugars from the cane of Volcano land... hoping I had beaten her at her own game, is all one can hope for... was I fucking wrong... Voodoo Witch Barista begrudgingly made my concoction, well all the while casting a hex on me... her hex started like this... she sets my concoction down on 'why haven't you pick up your drink, dumb ass counter'... I was a bit eager when grabbing for my concoction causing it to tip over... but it had not spilled yet (key word 'yet' had lid on)... as I was recovering it Voodoo Witch Barista reached for it too
(knocking the lid off)... now it takes fast reflexes to recover a cup as it spills... having only spilled about a quarter
of the potion...I bring the lidless cup to my lips and drank without hesitating... Voodoo Witch Barista quickly whipped up some more of the 'ice tea' all along casting her hex witchcraft spell on me!!!... as I sat at the 'big peoples' stool at the counter I was sucking through the straw the cool mixture of ice tea... then she sprung her hex trap on me... she used her subliminal Voodoo hex mine control on me... she was using the 'gilt control' hex on me... as I went to wash my hands she went to work mixing her hex potion in her cauldron... a pinch of crashed bits of Chocolate... a tab of bean of java... a dash of toad of caramel... the drizzle of syrup of Coco... the juice of bean of java... caramel pumps of liquid... all this is going into her cauldron.... and many more secret ingredients from the Witches cupboard... top with cream of whip-Chocolooote-Caramelle-frosting the save the planet plastic cup... when I returned from washing my hands there sitting on the counter in front of my ice tea was the Voodoo Witch Barista's hex potion... better know to us who are on the outside of the counter of the Coffee-Cave as the MARS of candy bar potion... on the inside of the counter of the Coffee-Cave it's known as the SLUT because it as everything in it... I don't know about you... but most of the sluts I've ever witness at a far in a nightclub where females tease/flirt the hell out of you to buy them drinks-you thinking you're gonna get some-she knowing you'll never get the chance to take them home and fuck her... only have 'one thing in them at a time'... well okay maybe two at the most... Voodoo Witch Barista's hex was working me so I drank her potion willingly... moral of this tale... never leave your brain in the car when dealing with Voodoo Witch Barista when she casting her hexes, mixing her potion in her cauldron!