Sunday, April 3, 2011

Caffeine & Sugar

Last night I wrote a tale here and on my facebook page about getting drink that was off menu at local Starbucks. This drink I called 'MARS' is mostly all sugar of all sorts. Today like most any other day after getting up I ran some earns then to local Starbucks for that 'cup of java' with banana. They where out of cheesy bagels. I sat enjoying my 'cup of java' while checking my twitter, viewing the porn stars photos attached to their tweets. I also check my facebook wall, drop a few lines to post on my wall (I have no clue if anyone reads them or not-the question should be do I fucking care). Then I set up my iPod to watch anime from Nexflix. By now I've finish my 'cup of java' and banana. Still feeling a bit of hunger I wanted something but not the usual Starbucks' pastry loaded with processed sugar. I got my second 'cup of java', then headed out the door seeking a real scone. The first place I went to was closed, this place makes their pastries on premises, handmade. The second place was a family run bakery but it too was closed. The last place I went to was the new old soda fountain place, no luck there either. Back to Starbucks for a plan bagel with cream cheese. I drank my second cup, ate my bagel while watching anime on my iPod. After watching a few episodes of anime I finish my 'cup of java'. It wasn't long after that the caffeine & last night sugar rush kicked back in again. I came back to my flop full of energy. I fucking cleaned like a Maid on speed! I can't believe how much drive I had to clean this place inside & out plus do laundry. I built up an appetite so tonight I had fajitas, guacamole and three tortillas. I finally feel the effect of the caffeine & sugar rush wearing off. Now its relax watching some more Nexflix. 

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