Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is it skipping if not hungry?

Let me back up the boat here, I didn't blog yesterday. Why because I really didn't do much with getting down to porn weight or maybe I did. I wasn't really hungry but I did crave 'trail mix' (why I don't know). So I hop over to local Starbucks for one of those mostly air packs of 'trail mix' & almonds. Was I subconscious controlling my intake. Rather than head to market and get one of those big jars of trail mix and end up nibbling most of the jar. I wasn't really hungry for dinner, so I skipped it. The trail mix and two packs of almonds was enough for me. I was more into redoing my synopsises.
Now for today I woke up hungry. I did my errands before heading over to Starbucks where I surprised myself by not ordering one of everything in pastry case. I got the usual cheesy bagel/cream cheese and that 'first cup of the day'. I'd satisfied my hunger with just the cheesy bagel/cream cheese. I past on the banana. Tonight I think it's cheese enchiladas.
Now for the pic; was I a bad doggy for skipping a meal and only nibbling on some trail mix & almonds, or was it a good thing? Am I going to get petted by a hot MILF for not making a mess of things?

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