Monday, May 9, 2011

Gotting back into control of dropping weight.

Getting back to what I'm suppose to be blogging about here. I have been letting my guard down on not watching what I eat and how much I eat. As of late I been very lazy. I been eating, not the wrong things but eating thing that I shouldn't be eating often, like French Fries, once in a while it's okay but not every time I get a burger. Milk Shakes are dangerous too if you let it get the best of you. Ice Cream not good either when you let it run a muck. The thing is I got to get back to it. I want to get down to my porn weight again. I got to get stronger at saying no to Ice Bended drinks at Starbucks when someone is trying to entice me. Got to stop letting my eyes dictate how much to eat. Stop when I feel full. I have been creeping up the scale instead of dropping down on it. It feels good when I can get into a pair of Levi's that are a few sizes or inches smaller than the last pair I've been wearing. I like it when my Aloha Shirts and Tee-Shirts fit looser. Now the things I got to get back to doing like eating when hungry. Stop shoving things into my mouth when I'm not hungry. As for what I have been doing; I've been riding the bicycle more to get to local Starbucks and doing some errands. Starting my day with a cup of java with banana and if still feel hunger I have the cheesy bagel/cream cheese. That usually last me until I eat the last meal of the day or if I get the munches before I eat the last meal of the day, I'll some nuts or trail mix, the packets from Starbucks so there's no chance of eating handful after handful. For the last meal of the day is where I have been falling down. Like this weekend starting with Friday night I had 3 Flako Tacos, guacamole and tortillas. When I should have stop at having say 2 Flako Tacos and nothing more. I let my eyes over rule my stomach, felt stuff for hours. Moving on to Saturday night when I had Carl's Jr Six pounder guacamole burger and
Santa Fe Chicken sandwich. Again eating more than I wanted to. My gut was telling that the Santa Fe sandwich was plenty but again I let my eyes lead the way. Sunday night I had went to the market and got Jack Cheese, deli style hot dogs and the leftover tortillas; ate more than I should have; let the craving run wide on this one. But today I got back to getting down to porn weight. Back to having a cup or two at Starbucks with Cheesy bagel/cream cheese no banana this time. For my last meal of the day it's going to be a all red meat burrito and that's all nothing else accompanying it. EAT TO FEEL FULL NOT STUFFED. Don't let my eyes get bigger than my stomach. Part of the battle is knowing your fucking up and doing something about rather than surrendering to failure.

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