Tuesday, February 1, 2011

working the phones

Got up around 11AM, why I don't know but I did. Took off to the Apple Store in Pasadena to get a replacement for my iPod Classic which was stolen at work about a week ago. Wasn't hungry but craving that 'first cup of the day'. Like a little kid with a new toy I rush home to get it synced up, the craving for the 'first cup of the day' was getting stronger as I was downloading my music among other stuff. After iPod Classic was ready I got my ass over to Starbucks for that 'first cup of the day', cheesy bagel/cream cheese. The face behind the counter belong to the barista that tempted me into going to 31 flavors (Damn You Rachel). She like an Anime Voodoo Witch with powers of persuasion. There's no fighting it or her, must be strong against her Anime Voodoo Hex. After the second cup I headed home to make calls about new script that my son wrote. For the last meal of the day it was Chinese, chicken (sweet/sour), chicken garlic, BBQ pork, a small portion of noodles and egg rolls, full but not stuffed, I've been cutting back on portions.

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