Monday, January 31, 2011

dealing with working & meals

Its been a few days that I have not blog about what the fuck I've been up to on cutting back on intake or better Fat Guy getting down to porn weight. I have been working on a movie reshoots that are in a rush to get it done, that means throw lots of guys at it and do long hours. I started my mornings by hitting the local Starbucks for that 'Big Boy's' coffee, cheese bagel/cream cheese & banana for the commute to work. After working up high (industry talk) get a bit hungry, at AM coffee break I would get another cup of Starbucks at commissary with a banana got earlier or muffin. Back to work
until lunch where I had quesadilla, on weekend the commissary was closed so no lunch. Got home after doing 12 hours or more, Friday night was nachos, Saturday night was red meat burrito & taquitos, Sunday night was Italian Sausage links with sauce and breadsticks. Today after sleeping in, do to no work, got up went to local Starbucks for a cup of java, banana, cheese bagel/cream cheese. Ran some errands, did some laundry now its time for late meal, red meat burrito, not very hungry. Well, that's it for now and enjoy the pin up-why can't I ever have this happen when I'm dining out.

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