Wednesday, January 26, 2011

work & eats & work then go home

Once again it was up early but not at the butt crack
of dawn early. This time only hit snooze button once,
had to get up or chance being late. Its that 5mins
difference on freeway that could be the kiss of
torment. Hit the Starbucks on the way to work
for my first cup of the day, cheesy bagel/cream
cheese & banana for the drive in mild traffic.
Made to work with time to spare. Work up high
on the stage again today prepping it for reshoots.
AM coffee was at the small little Starbucks corner
in the commissary and walnut banana muffin
(muff would have been nice too).
Back to work, I must of climbed the stairs about
10 times (stage is four stories). Getting dirty
with perm dust as I work up high. Then it was
down the stairs again for lunch, quesadilla with
avocado. Back up the stairs to the perms for
more perm dust and rigging; After the end
of 12hrs its the last trip down the stairs for the
commute home in rush hour traffic. Last meal
was hot pastrami & zucchini strips, that
made me feel stuffed. Hit the shower, then
bed and do it all over again tomorrow.

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