Monday, January 24, 2011

Old Fat Guy lost to battle to craving.

If you are reading this thanks, I've never done the Blog thing. 
Okay on to what is going on as of today. 
I pedaled my bike over to the local Starbucks for that first cup of the day, cheesy bagel/cream cheese. Got a banana for later. Tonight I will be a burger on sour dough. I have been off Diet Coke now for about a month... 
(yes I do have withdraws)
Now for the lost battle of last night. I was going through a bad state of mine for a Fat Guy... the battle of craving... I had a bad craving for cake & ice cream. Like a junky it would be just a bit, it would be give me the biggest slice of cake & pile on the ice cream. After the pacing and second cup of java at Starbucks (hoping that a cup of java would take the edge off), I lost part of the battle. I gave in to the ice cream... it was three scoops I couldn't stop at one. It took everything I had not to go over the three scoops for a sundae or a pre-pack carton. I thought I would pay for my down fall on the scale but it didn't happen.
That's it for now... the struggle continues...

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