Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old Fat Guy scrambling today.

I got the call for work on production yesterday, I had/have to rig
the stage for the sets that are being built. It was an early call time 
but not the butt crack of dawn. I don't know how many times I hit 
the snooze button. I finally got up & the sun was no where 
to be found. On the way out I stop at the local Starbucks, 
cheesy bagel/cream cheese and banana ('Hey Rachel', who I saw
coming to work as I was leaving-she one of the baristas-also she 
taunted me to have 31 flavors). Now for the commute in AM traffic; 
so I had plenty of time to enjoy cup of java, cheesy bagel & banana. 
I fucking hate commuter traffic especially when the Metro Rail 
goes flying down the center of freeway. I was doing the up high 
work of rigging chain motors; running the "motor feed", "power feed" 
& placement of remotes (PDs). Got a bit hungry by the time it was 
AM coffee break. Went to the commissary to get another cup of 
Starbucks (yup they brew Starbucks) & a burrito made with 
avocado & bacon. Back to work up high on stage, until it was 
wrap time 12hrs later. Then it's the fucking commuter traffic drive 
home. I hate fucking traffic (there goes that Metro Rail flying down 
the middle of freeway). For the last meal of the day it was taquitos 
and combo burrito. I want something fast, need to get a shower 
after being covered in 'prem dust'.

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