Tuesday, July 26, 2011

use to be call for work now is text for work

got the text to work on CSI NY for prepping stages at CBS Studios or striking at Paramount's backlot... pix of what is going on behind the scenes will follow... with any luck it will only be a half of a day call (half of a day call meaning work the first damn twelve hours of the day) gotta get up at the butt crack of dawn, hit local Starbucks (poor baristas gotta get up way before the butt crack of dawn) for that 'first cup of the day' on the way out... oh boy I get to enjoy 'cup of java' on commute to work... fucking traffic should be light at that time of morning... hey 'I Could Be A Centerfold' Barista please have the 'bold' ready (request for Gold Coast)... maybe even a cheesy bagel with creamy cheese... and a hug to start the day from 'I Could Be A Centerfold' Barista...
 Oh Voodoo Witch Barista if you are working the late shift tomorrow I'll see you then for either a cold lemonade or the 'last cup of the day'... where you can rib me some more on me getting my cruzer stolen... upside I get to buy a new improved cruzer to pedal my ass around town or at work (studio lots)... I'm thinking of a royal blue with red fenders or royal blue with black fenders and matching handlebars...

 adios~aloha for now Ol' Guy

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